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Demo Blocks

This page shows off various styles and blocks.


This is a heading xXL

This is a heading XL, H1

This is a heading L, H2

This is a heading M, H3

This is a heading S, H4

This is a paragraph M. But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure.

This is a paragraph S. But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure.

“This is quote. But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account”

The board (this is a link) exists of individuals with extensive operational experience.

The board (this is a link) exists of individuals with extensive operational experience.

Text with background color

This study aimed to find which metrics explained the variations in each IEQ parameters monitored, especially considering building clustering. In addition, we provide an application example by studying the associations with the characteristics of the buildings.

This study aimed to find which metrics explained the variations in each IEQ parameters monitored, especially considering building clustering. In addition, we provide an application example by studying the associations with the characteristics of the buildings.

Table Style

Ravintosisältö / 100 g
Energia710 kJ / 170 kcal
Rasva10 g
– josta tyydyttynyttä4.5 g
Hiilihydraatit0 g
– josta sokereita0 g
Ravintokuitu0 g
Proteiini20 g
Suola0.1 g
Laktoosi0g / 100g


Image options

Caption placeholder, stock photo credit

Logo Grids

Features with icon

Loppukäyttäjän työkalu
Develop, deploy and manage AI embedded skills in 720’s operating system.
Loppukäyttäjän työkalu
Develop, deploy and manage AI embedded skills in 720’s operating system.
Loppukäyttäjän työkalu
Develop, deploy and manage AI embedded skills in 720’s operating system.
Loppukäyttäjän työkalu
Develop, deploy and manage AI embedded skills in 720’s operating system.
Loppukäyttäjän työkalu
Develop, deploy and manage AI embedded skills in 720’s operating system.
Loppukäyttäjän työkalu
Develop, deploy and manage AI embedded skills in 720’s operating system.

Media and text

Recommendations & predictions

Tells you how it’s going

Develop, deploy and manage AI embedded skills in 720’s operating system.

Read more

Analytics layer (AI)

The power of Artificial Intelligence

Develop, deploy and manage AI embedded skills in 720’s operating system.

Read more

Reference card with color

“The crowd stays happy now that we are really getting the information we need and everyone is on the same page”

Päivi Lundahl

Service manager at Väylä

Reference card with video

“The crowd stays happy now that we are really getting the information we need and everyone is on the same page”

Päivi Lundahl

Service manager at Väylä

Molecule banner with banner


Numbered list

  1. 720° is a flexible add-on solution that integrates easily with existing building automation systems and sensors anywhere in the world
  2. Precise data supports timely decision-making and carefully targeted maintenance measures that result in better occupant satisfaction, lower building maintenance costs and higher building value
  3. 720° Analytics compares properties and transforms billions of data points into value-adding knowledge
  4. 720° Display is the key to excellent communication and building trust between real estate management and tenants

Bullet List

  • 720° is a flexible add-on solution that integrates easily with existing building automation systems and sensors anywhere in the world
  • Precise data supports timely decision-making and carefully targeted maintenance measures that result in better occupant satisfaction, lower building maintenance costs and higher building value
  • 720° Analytics compares properties and transforms billions of data points into value-adding knowledge
  • 720° Display is the key to excellent communication and building trust between real estate management and tenants

Questions and answers

This is a question

The seasons greater years make great, fly place seas, also in fourth moved open whales that firmament you’ll don’t over first were stars spirit grass brought likeness kind.

This is a question

The seasons greater years make great, fly place seas, also in fourth moved open whales that firmament you’ll don’t over first were stars spirit grass brought likeness kind.

This is a question

The seasons greater years make great, fly place seas, also in fourth moved open whales that firmament you’ll don’t over first were stars spirit grass brought likeness kind.

This is a question

The seasons greater years make great, fly place seas, also in fourth moved open whales that firmament you’ll don’t over first were stars spirit grass brought likeness kind.

CTA block

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Client cards

Tilankäyttäjien tyytyväisyys nousi ja palautteen määrä väheni 720° käyttöönoton jälkeen. Tämän seurauksena sisäympäristöasioiden käsittelyyn käytettävän työajan määrä väheni toimitilojen palveluvastaavalla yli puolella.
Kymsoten tarjoamissa hoivatiloissa sisäympäristön laadulla on erityisen suuri painoarvo. Sisäympäristön laadun analysointi ja siitä viestintä on peruskorjauksen jälkeen hoitunut 720° Ratkaisun avulla. Henkilökunta saa nyt tietoa ja voi antaa helposti palautetta. Sisäympäristön hyväksi tehty työ pääsee esille, ja tilankäyttäjien luottamus on vahvistunut. ​
Vaihtelevista olosuhteista johtuneet sisäilmaongelmat toivat Verohallinnon ja 720 Degreesin tiet yhteen. Helsingin toimisto- ja asiakaspalvelutilojen seurannasta alkanut sisäilmavalvonta on laajentunut sittemmin muihin paikkakuntiin.

Contact form

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Location with google map

Helsinki office

720 Degrees Oy
Mikonkatu 9, c/o Epicenter
Helsinki 00100

Karoliina Kajander
VP, Customers

Article list

720° research presented at Indoor Air 2020
In the research below, we present results from indoor air quality monitoring (IAQ) of six schools over 2017, including temperature, relative humidity, concentrations of carbon dioxide, volatile organi…
Research: IAQ monitoring analytics from offices to school buildings
720 Degrees was chosen to be one of the most promising and prominent AI-first companies in Finland by Finland’s Artificial Intelligence Accelerator (FAIA). We are very happy to be acknowledged. Produc…
720˚ one of the most promising and prominent AI-first companies in Finland by FAIA
720 Degrees was chosen to be one of the most promising and prominent AI-first companies in Finland by Finland’s Artificial Intelligence Accelerator (FAIA). We are very happy to be acknowledged. Produc…